I've Ditched Google Analytics

By James Kenny
2 min read

Table of Contents

There are alot of reasons for moving off Google Analytics. I'm not going to go into them in this post in too much detail.  

Too many clicks to find information makes for a bad user experience every time. This is on top of the privacy issues of tracking and profiling of users to sell ads.

As I looked into it and looked at other products I found a far better user experience for me but also something that protects your privacy.

I decided to start looking around and I found two products that I'd recommend very highly.

Simple Analytics

Simple Analytics from Adriaan van Rossum is a really great tool. You can see a live demo of their current data here as you can see all the data you want is all in one place and easy to understand and at the same time it respects users privacy.

Demo for Simple Analytics


Fathom from Paul Jarvis and Jack Ellis is the other option and it's great. It respects users privacy and makes it so easy to understand your traffic. You can see their live demo here

Fathom Demo in action

What did I choose?

After trying out both products for a bit over the last few months I picked Fathom for my analytics.


Fathom is a fantastic analytics tool, the information I need to see about my websites traffic is all there at my finger tips. Makes it so much easier to focus on the site and get my work done. It respects my users privacy so they aren't having any invasive tracking.

What it came down to for me at this point was, Simple Analytics just has a massive jump from 100K visitors to 1m where as Fathom has pricing plans I can climb, 100K, 200K, etc. I still think it's a great product.

This also doesn't mean I'll be with Fathom for ever but it does mean I'll be keeping an eye on both these products to see how they are going and evolving.

I have an affiliate link for Fathom if you want to try it out Fathom

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Last Update: April 19, 2020

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